It is a social space to connect, share and inspire each other with our great ideas and personal global initiatives.
It is an online social community with no fees that is 100% private.
You can share your ideas in a creative, educational, collaborative environment.
There are no ads, no donations are solicited, and there are no profit driven engines!
We never collect, track or share your data or content.
What you see, share, like, and comment on is never manipulated by algorithms.
Our Earth Every Day places the spotlight on the people whose ideas and individual actions, like pebbles in a pond, ripple out to make great change.
The Our Earth Every Day Community recognizes the thorny issues that we face, but we have changed the lens through which we view them.
Please join Our Earth Every Day in an atmosphere of optimism, collaboration, humor and creativity to engage our unlimited imaginations for the good of the earth and all those who live on it.
If you would like to share, here is what we are looking for:
We are looking for content that is:
And we wouldn’t mind a bit if it’s also humorous, imaginative, and fires us up!
Click here for more information on the Community Posting Guidelines